Here's all the appointment and legal particulars. Please forgive if the tone is too stern; my mother, subsequent significant others, and my wife, have all taught me the value in being direct. I believe there is great benefit to massage therapy, and take it very seriously. I encourage you to do so as well.
I'll try not to make the fine print too small...
No-Shows / Cancellation
If you are unable to keep your appointment, kindly give at least 24 hours' notice, so that the time can be filled by someone else in need. Appointments may be cancelled/rescheduled online outside of this 24 hr window through the link in your appointment confirmation email. Cancellations not made within this time frame are subject to full charge for the session, although allowances can be made for extreme or emergency circumstances. In any event, PLEASE CALL OR TEXT if you are unable to keep your appointment.

Unfortunately, habitual no-shows will require a credit card # to schedule online.
Please be on time! I want you to have the full benefit of the time you're paying for. I also understand, as a father of three small kids, that sometimes life throws up speed bumps, especially when you're trying to do something just for you. If you think you're going to be less than 10 minutes late, we can probably squeeze in most of your session. Later than 10 minutes, however, will most likely require rescheduling (and will be subject to the cancellation policy above).
In case of inclement weather, please call before your appointment. In general, all sessions will be cancelled in cases of severe winter storms or Town of Arlington parking bans.
I do not directly bill insurance companies for your care. I am happy to, however, provide you with session notes and invoices for you to submit for reimbursement. Payment is expected at time of service.
HIPPA & Confidentiality
I take therapist-client relationship very seriously. I consider what transpires during a therapy session to be something held in the tightest confidence. When session notes are taken, the only consideration I make is for the musculo-skeletal structure. Meaning, the only things I record are observations of range-of-motion, muscular tension, your perceptions of pain, etc. At no point do I record what is said of past history of emotional trauma, abuse, or items of a personal nature.

Written records are kept securely, as are all electronic versions or facsimiles. I do not release any of these to any third parties without your expressed written consent, or unless required by law.
Inappropriate Conduct
Any inappropriate conduct, or requests for sexual contact or services will result in the immediate termination of the session. Period. In addition, offenders will be black-listed within the local massage therapy community, in order to preserve the dignity and safety of our therapists.

Payment will also be expected for the full session, regardless of how much time has elapsed.